

英语高考满分作文 篇一

Advertisements appear everywhere in modern society. When you walk along the streets, you can see large boards with pretty girls smiling at you. You read newspapers, and see half of the pages covered with ads. You turn on TV, and you see commercial advertisements again. Whether you like it or not, advertisements fill your life.


In order to attract more customers, advertisements will sometimes go to extremes. Advertisements use every possible means in producing their announcements. For example, to advertise a certain food, advertisers will employ an actor to sit at a table and eat up their seemingly delicious food product while they film him.


Although advertisements enable you to make decisions quickly, sometimes they can cause lots of trouble. There are always many of them and they make you forget what you are sitting there for.


高考英语满分作文 篇二

Everyone has his dreams, but not all these dreams can come true. People give up their dreams for this or that reason. Those whose dreams become true have at least one thing in common, that is, they always hold fast to their dreams.


Marie Curie, a famous scientist, has set a good example. In 1898, Marie found a new element in the pitchblende. In order to prove her discovery, she must get it and show it to the world. Then to get the new element became her dream and goal of her life. After four years'' hard work and refinement of tons of pitchblende, Marie and her hus-band at last saw the dim blue light of the new element -- radium. Her dream had come true. There are many other examples. Just around us, for instance, the athletes who gain the gold medals, the artists who are popular with the public, and even the students who enter tile university after years of hard study and preparation, are all dream-holders.

Hold fast to your dreams, no matter how big or small they are. The path to dreams may not be smooth and wide, even some sacrifices are needed, but hold on to the end, you ,sill find there is no greater happiness than making your dream come true.

居里玛丽,一位著名的科学家,已经树立了一个好榜样。1898,玛丽发现沥青铀矿中的一个新的元素。为了证明她的发现,她必须得到它,并显示它的世界。然后,让新的元� 经过四年的艰苦工作,细化成吨的沥青铀矿,玛丽和她的丈夫最后看见昏暗的蓝色光的新元素——镭。她的梦想成真了。还有许多其他的例子。就在我们身边,例如,获得金牌的运动员们,那些在公众中很受欢迎的艺术家,甚至是那些在经过多年的努力学习和准备之后进入大学的学生们,都是有梦想的人。


高考英语满分作文 篇三

Dear Headmaster,

I am the minister of students' life in the Student Union. On behalf of all the students, I am writing to you to give our opinions about the canteen.

Our canteen has something satisfactory and something unsatisfactory as well. To our satisfaction, many kinds of the food are supplied to us. Besides this, the food is cheap and tastes good. We all enjoy the food. And the surroundings in the canteen have also been improved. But the quantity of a helping they give is not enough. The seats are not enough as well.Some students have no seats when eating.

Finally we advise them to improve the quality of the food and their service. We will feel very happy if these problems can be solved.








Li Hua

高考英语满分作文 篇四

A classmate of yours who has influenced you most in college

Rose is my roommate, classmate and my best friend in my college. She has a round face and a little plump. One can always find a nice smile on her face, which reflects her amiable and pleasant character. Our friendship attributes to her great influence on me.

In terms of study, she is good at English, while English is not my cup of tea. When I am confused about teacher’s explanation of texts, she always interprets them to me in an explicit way. I really appreciate her help. Besides, she also imparts me a few language learning tips and recommendations which arouse my learning interest.

In addition, in the leisure time, she helps me a lot as well. Because I am not the local student and my hometown is far away from here, sometimes I feel homesick. However, I always have Rose on my side. Her accompany gives me great comfort.

I feel so lucky that I could have such a good friend, who teaches me and help me in my study and leisure life, so she is the classmate that has influenced me most in college.

英语高考满分作文 篇五

My dream house is a villa which lies on the coast. There are two yards in the villa. The front yard is a garden with many beautiful flowers an plants for the four seasons. There is a swimming pool in the back yard, as my family are fond of swimming.

On the first floor, there is a big hall when you enter the gate. On the right of the hall is a sitting room, there we can relax, have a rest, watch TV and enjoy entertainments. On the left there is a computer room and a study belonging to me. On the second floor, there are six bedrooms with bathrooms. The villa will be equipped with the modern equipment, such as security alarms controlled by computers, vision phones, lifts an automatic doors. Well, that is my dream house.
